The QUIT Alternative - LYL Package (Hardback Book and Early Adopter Bonuses)

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Hi Living Legend,

As a thank you for being an early adopter of The QUIT Alternative: The Blueprint for Creating the Job You Love WITHOUT Quitting...

For a Limited Time, you'll receive some special bonuses worth $500 for only $9.99 including:

1.)  Immediate Inspiration - The hardback book delivered to your door step plus immediately download of the first digital chapter.

2.) Motivation on the Go –  My 6 most popular audio programs.

3.) A Tailored, 3-Step Action Plan – A complimentary, 25-min 1-on-1 consultation with Ben to move you closer to your goal.

4.) Silver Level Access - Access to the first, 6 video modules of QUIT Alternative Training Academy.

5.) A "Career Counselor" in your Pocket - The audio guide that accompanies the Live Your Legend guest post, "How to Live Your Legend WITHOUT Quitting Your Day Job".

Total value is $500, but for a LIMITED TIME order now for $9.99. 

Note for shipments outside the US, it will be slightly higher to cover the cost of shipping. 

Now scroll back up and click the "buy this" button on the right.

Can't wait share this with you!


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The QUIT Alternative - LYL Package (Hardback Book and Early Adopter Bonuses)

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